Saturday, August 8, 2009

Week 5

Well, it's week 5, Baby "K" is making it's self known. The girls are screaming, and sleepy time hits me hard. fast. quick. I mean people said I'd be tired. This is no kind of tired I've ever felt! It's like Yo' girl, get your A$$ to a bed right now, better yet just go ahead and lay down right here on the sidewalk, people will step over you, give yourself 15 minutes. OK crash out- 2 hours. Other than that tid bit, I have had some cramping in the low abs & back, all is good. There isn't anymore of a bump than what pudge I already had but just for documentation purposes here's the first belly picture. Funny huh? I know you're laughing, it's OK. I am.

You know, people say don't tell too quickly. Those people must not have the family and firends that we do - the BEST in the world! Above & Below the Mason Dixon that is. Our parents knew right away, then just a select few have gotten in on the "know". BUT... tomorrow is the day we tell "The Dodson's". The world will never be the same. I know Miss BoBo would be so proud to know she's going to be a Great Grand Mother. I've thought of her so much this last week - I know she would answer all of my questions and just pat, as long as I needed. Papaw would too be proud of one of his "Shuug's". So...sometime after lunch tomorrow the jumping, shouting & crying should begin, incase you feel a rumble where you are you'll know what's up.

Wish us luck, we will update later.


  1. What a celebration! We are all excited to welcome a new baby into the Dodson crew. Congratulations!

  2. I am thrilled for the two of you and excited for the rest of us! You are going to be great parents and I can't wait to see you welcome Baby "K" into the world. Congratulations and best wishes!

  3. So happy I am one of the select few to the news. Congrats to you both! See what following my advise got ya into A?!
