Monday, March 1, 2010

More Kitchen Changes....

Many of you know that my baby nesting style has not been of small stature, but then again many of my" projects" aren't. I believe wholeheartedly in Do It Yourself style. It brings you closer by working together...sometimes tears you apart but leaves you with a huge sense of accomplishment in the end. Thanks to my wonderful handy man husband who always jumps in with both feet- reluctantly/ or not- the latest project has been finalized!

Woo Hooo!

2009/2010 has brought all new appliances, sink/ faucet, bead board wall paper, counter tops, bar stools, curtains, art, corner cabinet re-do, floors, paint, back door & entry name it! The last 2 weeks since our PA trip were filled with removing the old floor and replacing with a hand scraped hickory laminate. I think it's finally time to let the kitchen relax, enjoy itself and be lived in again. Just in time for the arrival of Baby "K".

Here are some before and after pictures;
there may still be a few more floating around that I can post.
Have fun!

This was the kitchen when we bought the house in 2007. Notice the wood edging, 4x4 ceramic tile & ancient stove.

This was the kitchen right before our appliance and counter-top extravaganza last fall. Still somewhat the same as when we moved in other than the wood edge and other minor changes.

This was Mike getting started last weekend on removing the old floors. Sorry for the blur! I didn't expect for him to do the entire project alone but I wasn't realistic in my 8 months pregnant home renovation abilities. Thanks Babe for stepping up the the challenge alone!

Old floor almost gone...

New one going in...

View from dining room entry way this morning. It's a little dark on the exposure since I was going against abundancy of sun shine that was coming in but that's OK---we need a little SUN!

Notice granite tile counter tops, new stove, curtains, back door and floors.

View from back door this morning- still a little dark, maybe I can get better pics to replace these with. I am just excited that it's done and that we can be proud of ourselves and know that we did it all with out the know how or experience. All we needed was a little vision and fly by the seat of our pants will power!

Can you beleive that I got through this entire kitchen with out ONE GLASS OF WINE OR MICH ULTRA?!?!?! Now that's saying something!

Thanks MK!

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