I just LOVE spring..The birds are chirping- tree's and flowers blooming.
I feel the need to spiffy up the outside of our house again. Plant a little somethin'.
Summer vacation plans drift in and out of my mind...You know, all the fun stuff!
Then all of a sudden.....
The sound of brakes screeching, tires squealin' Gears a jammin'
I remembered...
I look like this!
Turn your head if you are freaked out by big- ol bellies!

Just in time for Spring 2010!
WooHoo! Ain't Life GRAND?
No No...Not the WSP song, wrong kind of GRAND.
Let's eat some more ice cream- you wanna?
All of this just really makes me wanna go back to Target -
Just to try on that cutsie little 2pc suit that was calling my name under that big red SALE sign.
Excuse me Ma'am, you in the red shirt...Do you have these in Hmmm, cow size?
It was black and white polka dots.
You know you've made it to the end when people change the way they greet you.
It's quite funny!
It used to be ...
"WOW! You look great- nothing but belly! I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant."
Now it's...
"Awwhh, Honey- How are you feelin' ?"
The truth is that
We are very excited for the end of this pregnancy and meeting our little man, even though it scares the bee-gee-bee's out of us. I am a little over 36 weeks now and gearing my mind up for full term Friday! Yes, this Friday I'll be 37 weeks which is "technically" full-term. We are having weekly OB visits now and things are still right on track with baby. Mama has lots of back and SI joint pain from previous injuries to deal with plus the 30 lbs of baby weight so she's moving a little slow. The doctor has a close eye on it though. Oh... Yes! I said it. 30 lbs. As of last Friday I had gained 30lbs (said it again- yikes) from my first OB visit late last summer.
If you were wondering how that looks on me - see picture above!
I think we are almost ready for the arrival of this little guy- except for picking his name.
Everything else is done thanks to lots of nesting and very gracious friends and family!
We've been blessed with 3 showers and all of the baby stuff you could imagine, not to mention help from so many people close to us! We even lucked out with free groceries for the week by the grocery fairy yesterday morning!!! How lucky are we? We've got the car seat installed- thanks to Uncle Ryan and the hospital bag rides along in the car with us now- just in case!
Not much of an update but I had been leaving you guys hanging and wanted to send some love - Sorry, I was probably busy writing you a Thank you note.
Much Love-
Is that really you?