Thursday, August 20, 2009


Witchcraft? VooDoo? Physic? Who knows...? I do know that Heather Christian freaked us all out today! I got a call at work from HC that I couldn't take and so she left a message. It went someting like...

"Hey, I hate we haven't spoken in a while, we've been very busy with J&L but I really need you to call me - TODAY - I've got a question and it's important. "

So, as soon as I got to a stopping place I went to return the call, not sure what I would be hearing I stepped into a quiet room. "Heather, it's April. HEY GIRL!...How are you, good, you...good! I've got a question. OK Shoot. ARE YOU PREGNANT? Ughhhh, yeah? How'd you know....And then there was silence, then OMG, I'm a witch!

Long story short- Heather has had a vivid- very vivid dream for 3 nights in a row that I am pregnant. It has been the same each night, but very realistic to her. This is the first of these "visions" she has had. I begged her to tell me more but it's all she knew. She was very adamant that we talk today because she had told KC that she wasn't going through another night until she knew what was going on with me.

I'm not one who has believed in these things before but, take it for what it's worth.

I am a new believer!

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