Ha---That lured you in, huh? Nope, not being provocative- just hungry.
Here in NC we love our hot dogs! Dairi-O, Doss', Bill & Leah's, PB's they all bring big game. Buttery toasted buns, mustard, chili, slaw, onions. ~YUM! Well now that Baby K is cooking in my tummy the doctors have said no more hot dogs. AHGHH! Along with, deli meat ( ham, turkey, etc...), bleu cheese, feta cheese, brie. All my favorites.

So, Shon - my fellow preggers friend turned me on to THE LOADED BUN! I mean come on...I thought I was decently intelligent when it came to good ol' southern eats, but not even I thought of this one. I was too busy being sad I was with out for 9 months. Well...I've had one every day since she told me about them, I now think about them LOTS and if I weren't cramped into this situation called work right now I'd high tail it on down to the closest hot dog joint and dive in.
So----everyone fire up your grills & throw some dogs on! Celebrate! Enjoy them for how yummy they are. Not what little we really do know about them and why they are not safe for child bearing females. :)
Girl...I've been knowing about some loaded buns since I worked at the Dairi-O waaaay back! Betty Jean always made fun of me at dinnertime cause that's all I would eat! They're not bad at all!!