Monday, August 31, 2009
Loaded Buns

Friday, August 28, 2009
DIY...Goodwill Chair Meets Cat Scratch Fever

So---Most of you that know me know I love my Friday's off. You also know that I usually get into some sort of crazy frugal DIY project each week. You're right and this week was no different; except for my projects are getting smaller. After a slow start to my day I decided it's about time I refinished that $4 goodwill chair. That's right $4. It started out like this:

But within 1 hour, a light sand job and 2 coats of glossy black and a round in a dark alley with a cat we have this little beauty!

Don't you just love her? I'm sure she'll be very versatile in this house as we never have enough seating and she can fit just about anywhere! Happy DIY Friday!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday 8/24/09 was our first OB appointment. All was well. We met with Mrs. Shultz one of the nurses there; she reviewed our medical histories and answered many of our questions. I had lab work done and that was it. We received a lot of reading material to keep us busy over the next few months. Our next appointment is on 9/11 for the first scheduled ultrasound. I think we'll be able to see more than we could on 8/23 and we're anxious to see how much the baby will have grown by then.
Baby's First Picture - Taken by Aunt Tella!

We had our first ultrasound done Sunday night by Aunt Tella. She's the best! Baby measured around 11mm - the size of a blueberry. The heart was beating away at 136bpm. Baby was tucked into a safe corner of the uterus and we could begin to see arm buds and orbits. How sweet - I teared up a little when we heard that little heart beat and Daddy was all grins. It was a special time for us and I'm glad we were able to share it with our family. Monday is our first OB appointment.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Magic Water, Timber Chicks and Morning Sickness

Thursday, August 20, 2009
"Hey, I hate we haven't spoken in a while, we've been very busy with J&L but I really need you to call me - TODAY - I've got a question and it's important. "
So, as soon as I got to a stopping place I went to return the call, not sure what I would be hearing I stepped into a quiet room. "Heather, it's April. HEY GIRL!...How are you, good, you...good! I've got a question. OK Shoot. ARE YOU PREGNANT? Ughhhh, yeah? How'd you know....And then there was silence, then OMG, I'm a witch!
Long story short- Heather has had a vivid- very vivid dream for 3 nights in a row that I am pregnant. It has been the same each night, but very realistic to her. This is the first of these "visions" she has had. I begged her to tell me more but it's all she knew. She was very adamant that we talk today because she had told KC that she wasn't going through another night until she knew what was going on with me.
I'm not one who has believed in these things before but, take it for what it's worth.
I am a new believer!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Moving Right Along

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Natural Things in Our Home That Make Me Happy!

Our kitchen sink. Simple yet pretty to me. I love the traditional and natural elements here!

Our living room end table. The perfect little vignette of our lives symbolizing some important things to us (note: boxer statue, wedding photo and magnolia) Don't forget the natural element here- the pearl sticks! That's what I call a touch of "Rural Hall Glam!" :)

Hope you've enjoyed a tour of our natural home on this Sunday morning, now take a look around your life and notice the the things that make your heart smile and hug the people that do!
Happy Sunday Folks!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Week 5

You know, people say don't tell too quickly. Those people must not have the family and firends that we do - the BEST in the world! Above & Below the Mason Dixon that is. Our parents knew right away, then just a select few have gotten in on the "know". BUT... tomorrow is the day we tell "The Dodson's". The world will never be the same. I know Miss BoBo would be so proud to know she's going to be a Great Grand Mother. I've thought of her so much this last week - I know she would answer all of my questions and just pat, as long as I needed. Papaw would too be proud of one of his "Shuug's". So...sometime after lunch tomorrow the jumping, shouting & crying should begin, incase you feel a rumble where you are you'll know what's up.
Wish us luck, we will update later.