Just in case you were wondering, here are Baby H's 9 Month Stats, I just can't keep my hands off him!!!
Bed: 7p-6a, no night waking. Usually. Sleeps with "silky" and paci. Only allowed paci when in bed.
Naps: Still holding onto 3 per day, sometimes he tries to drop that 3rd one. Expect for when at day care--he seems to have worked out a deal with them to totally ignore his normal routine and just get ballzee Tues - Thurs.
Nursing/Bottles: We are still nursing and pumping. My supply continues to suffer and we now supplement with formula bottles as needed. Mama is holding strong though, planning on going the distance for him to have mostly my milk for the first full year!
Meals: 3 per day. Eats most all foods we do except fried or fattening...OK nothing we do! He loves anything he can pick up off his tray- peas, blueberries, cheese, green beans, turkey, chicken, fruit, puffs, cheerios, etc...
Newest Foods: baby yogurt and black olives. The sippy cup. Not a food but still new- he has yet to master it even though he'll drink from a regular cup or straw fine.
Milestones: TEETH! They have been puzzling each time but he is currently cutting his third one, which is his upper left front tooth. Both bottom front ones have broken thru. He likes to have a runny nose and fever with his new teeth. He is also speed crawling, dancing, standing- cruising around furniture, crowing like a rooster, patty cake, giving kisses, waving Bye-Bye and looking for/at the light.
Favorite Things: Bath time. feeding the dogs from his high chair. plastic container half full of Jelly Belly's. He shakes it and loves the noise. light up toys. ABC Farm book. Baby Signing Time video. Playing funny faces and noises with Daa-Daa.
Most Hated Things: Getting nose suctioned. Mama leaving the room. Getting out of the bath tub.
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