Many of you have asked where we are registered so we've taken the plunge and created a baby registry.
This is only a wish list of the little guy to come. Hopefully, it can serve as a guide to our friends and family wanting to help us get started being parents! We appreciate the support you have all shown for our new baby, although gifts are not expected.
Babies R Us.
Registry Number:44722562
Here's the link:
Also, many have asked about how the baby room will be decorated so I tried taking some pictures.
I should have believed all the photographers that say never take pictures at night- the colors DO become all distorted!
The nursery colors are a whimsy green (" lemongrass" by Behr), chocolate brown and baby blue.
The chocolate tiger striped fabric will be paired with the baby blue polka dot and trimmed with a green. This combo is planned for the crib bedding and curtains. I sounds a little out there but it paints a wonderful picture in my pregnant lady head - if I can just get it to transpose into real life!
It will hopefully all blend great with the already finished 'sky' ceiling and all of the white built-ins!
It'll make this little boy the coolest thing to hit Rural Hall; next to his Daddy!

Can't wait to see the finished product! you always have such a good eye for decorative totally missed your calling as martha stewart's assistant!