Wow...Where do I begin? Get ready for a long post and some photo editing as I explore new things!
It's been over a month since I posted. I love to keep up with the blog but I have to admit most days it's at the bottom of the priority list by the time I finally crash 8 or 8:30...and you know bed time is still 9! I need to work on that! You'd think our lives were crazy!
At 5 months, Baby H is growing so fast ...he makes leaps and bounds that it's sometimes hard for me to update you all on.

*In case you didn't know he - LOVES- to eat! Along with nursing he gets 2 meals a day on solids. He holds his own bottle now and quite frankly doesn't enjoy you "helping" him unless he's super tired. Sophie is his teething giraffe, whom he gives on heck of a time. No teeth yet but we are bound to be close!

*He can sit up with little or no support and responds to him name when it's called. That is...if there isn't anything more interesting going on in the room.
*Cause and Effect has entered his little brain. ( Which I shouldn't call little because it's like a mega super absorbent sponge...taking in so much every day!!!) Sometimes he'll bang on the same toy 237 times to get the same effect over and over, but not giggle at it, he studies it intensely with those eyebrows drawn. See "the look" in the picture above, ha!
*His favorite games are taking turns blowing bubbles and squealing. Peak-A-Boo or "Peep-Eye" as us southerners call it is ranking a pretty close second; along with his Dad's motor sounds. Speaking of...
*H has a hero; his name is Daddy. He cranes his neck constantly to see where dad is, what he's doing, how he's doing it, does he see me watching him, can I do it too? So much LOVE!

* He hates lying flat now, even for a quick diaper change.
It's all about the action and where ever he can catch a glimpse of our pets...or the TV.
OH. MY. GOSH...The TV?!?!?!
How could I leave out such an impressive item...I mean, all 5 month olds should have one of these new finagled gadgets. H is truly amazed by the ol' tube. No certain show or genre' of shows...News, Drama, Reality, Comedy- Doesn't matter, just the colors and movement. Sports Center in the mornings with dad is pretty fun. I mostly have to keep his back to it while he's in the room or he will just sit and stare in a daze, pure astonishment! Mom thinks there are better ways to spend our time.
He has yet another new found love.
Of course the little adrenaline junkie we've produced has had his first encounter with Miss Bo...His Grandmother's Harley. He just loved the rumble beneath him and the cool chrome gas tank that he could see them both in. Oh and read that correctly...his grandmother's Harley. She's pretty cool to be called a Granny! Go Granny Go!

On September 12 H was baptized in the Methodist church I grew up in. He had a lot of friends and family there for support as we dedicated him to the Christian faith.

Oh..project update!!! Remember all the sweating we done back in August removing the pavers from our old patio? Well, here's a sneak peak at our new back entrance! A sexy concrete patio was designed poured by G'Pa Bill for all of H's Nascar , basketball and extreme sports to take place in the years to come. Those pavers were re-purposed as a new side walk. MK also built us an awesome arbor gateway over the break in our fence that was also re-purposed. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much to my Kettering men!

So..that's a brain dump of our last month. Before you know it we'll be 6 months into parenthood, can you believe it? I can't. We are loving every single minute!
Stay Tuned!