Thank Goodness for Daddy's!
HDK sure does have a good one; he does all the "milk chores" for us.
Mama rushes home everyday to see her baby after work - immediately - I drop all items like they're hot at the back door, wash-up and go for the gold, Henry and his liquid love!
Liquid Love : What Mama & Daddy call the massive amounts of spit up that our baby shares with us.
Luckily, MK comes in behind me and picks up the pieces and the trail I have left behind. He starts by unloading the pump bag and washing up the parts that assist my "girls" through out their daily misson. Then gathers up the all the empty bottles that HDK has left by the wayside.

Meanwhile, Mama & Baby go to nurse. Then we come back down stairs this is what we are greeted with...a days worth of clean organized baby gear in all it's glory! Cooler packs back in the freezer, kitchen cleaned, bottles drying and dinner started!
MAN! Thank goodness for Daddy's who help- what would we do with out them?