Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Own Personal Belly Button Disclaimer
Monday, January 25, 2010
Shoe Shine Monday....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Doctor Visit Today (26 Weeks 6 Days)
Monday, January 4, 2010

We are still finalizing the DIY kitchen reno that we showed you a few posts back, floors and a few "details" and it will be good to go and then off to another project.
I have been doing really good with the pregnancy. I am currently 26.5 weeks along. There is a doctors appointment later this week that we are looking forward to as we'll get to see Baby Boy Kettering via ultrasound again as well as meet one of the physicians that we've heard so many good things about. On the downside I have my glucola test. I'm not looking forward it however it is the closest thing to a cocktail I've had in a long while! (testing for gestational diabetes) I will also be traveling for work this week- something I have not done while pregnant. I've heard good and bad things about flying while with child...I'll be able to report more on that by next week. Hopefully, the recent rise TSA & national security measures will not have much effect on my short trip to Tampa and back and the swelling will not be too bad.
The upstairs bedroom is starting to look more like a nursery these days; after I was blessed to have "help the pregnant lady day" 01/01/2010! My Mom and Aunt Connie took the entire day to help me...I mean they worked it out!!! C'mas was packed away, cabinets and closets re-organized, baby clothes name it they did it! I am so thankful...words could never ever say how cool it was to have them do that! I can now walk in the baby's room and breath normally without starting to hyperventilate over the mess and lack of progress!
We just wanted to let you guys know that all is good here!
We've paused at the corner of Ho Hum & Easy Streets happy as larks.
Happy New Year to all and may it bring you all the best!
Until Next Time..... Let's all stop here and take a load off!

Taken by me in AZ last year.